My Interests



Basketball is an actvity that I sepnd as a great way to kill time for hours and let time fly by without even realizing it. I enjoy dribblig and shooting the ball at the park or even gym. I play pick up games whenever I have the time and sometimes play for hours. I also enjoy watching basketball, my favorite team is the Chicago Bulls which have a good chance at making the playoffs this year and compete for something posibilly big. I also enjoy basketball sue to its benefits as well while im trying to stay in shape.

There are many benfits to basketball like:



I picked up skateboarding while I was in the middle of trying to buy a new bike to replace my old one that had broke down in the middle of winter. I decided to go to zumies and found the hidden gem called the penny board. It was so cool to me and I practiced everyday to the point that I got extremely good at controlling the board. Im so glad that I made that decision to purchase that board so now I use it it everyday trying new tricks on it. Some tricks that I learned are:

  1. Ollie
  2. Nollie
  3. Heelflip
  4. Kickflip



I got my first videogame at the age of seven and that game would probaly go for ¢99 now. Iv always been very intrested in video games, and that started at a very young age due to games like pokemon and mario. Nintendo was a huge company that helped me figure out what type of games that I liked, they helped me figure out what an RPG was and that really made me think more than ever due to the games free choice that iv never seen before. Some of my favorite games are
Kingdom Hearts